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Behavioral Health
Services & Programs

We’re focused on treating the whole person, which is why we offer a full range of behavioral health services at any stage of life.

Gold Leaf Detail - NCBHS - Behavioral Health

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Inpatient treatment provides a safe and therapeutic environment for those with acute psychiatric diagnoses needing hospitalization.

Our treatment teams provide 24-hour monitoring, treatment and stabilization for patients suffering from depression, recent suicide attempt, suicide ideation or self-harm, severe anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychosis/schizophrenia, co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders, and more.

24/7 Assessment and Referral Services


The clinicians at our regional Patient Services Center can help by providing a free, confidential mental health assessment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Leaf Detail - NCBHS

Contact Us

Our goal is to help identify the right program or services to best meet a person’s behavioral health treatment needs. Contact us anytime for help in determining the most appropriate level of care and support.

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